Our Association was formed in 2007 with 3000 acres in Alleghany County, Virginia. The average lot size is thirty acres. We maintain approximately eighteen miles of gravel roads and two, keypad-entry, electric gates. We have deeded access to the Cowpasture River and the George Washington National Forest.
This website is open to the public with the exception of the Directory file. The Directory is password protected for the property owner's use only.
This website offers general information and does not meet the requirements of a resale certificate required by the Virginia Property Owners Association Act. Resale certificates can be ordered by emailing the Buckhorn POA Secretary at BuckhornPOASec@aol.com, or using the "Contact US" button at the bottom of the screen.
FIRE BURNING LAW - Each year from February 15 to April 30, a fire burning law goes into effect across Virginia. There can be no open burning between midnight and 4 p.m. So, there are only eight hours a day, between 4 p.m. and midnight, where open burning can take place. The burning law change this time of year mainly because the weather can present higher fire dangers. That’s because winds are usually elevated, the relative humidity is lower, the fuels on the forest floor are extremely dry because they’ve cured all winter without the shade of tree leaves. Most areas have specific fire laws of their own besides the 4 p.m. burning law. It’s important to remember how to burn safely. Typically you need to be about 300 feet away from woods or dry grass or any kind of a structure, you need to constantly be with the fire and you need to have some means of extinguishment. Residents who break the burn law or need emergency response for a fire can face legal action and fines for damages. The current burn law will run through April 30. It’s important for residents to remember that even if it is after 4 p.m., to keep an eye out for potential weather that might lead to a fire.
Open Air Burning
Planning a burn on your property? Click on the following link to ensure that you have current information regarding the Virginia Open Air Burning Rules and Regulations. https://dof.virginia.gov/wildland-prescribed-fire/fire-laws/
If you would like more information on Buckhorn you may email us at, BuckhornPOASec@aol.com or send a text message to (540) 817-3793.
If you have any questions, corrections, additions or subtractions to the website, please contact the Website Administrator, Brett Siebenkittel, at email:
This website contains pages of information regarding:
Road Committee Chairman - Larry Coats
Bridge Committee Chairman - Roger Brown
Gate Committee Chairman - Mike Herwald and Matt Walton
Emergency Committee Chairman - Mike Herwald
Fire Wise Committee Chairman - Dennis Wallingsford
Website Committee Chairperson - Brett Siebenkittel
Rules and Regulations Chairman - Brett Siebenkittel
If anyone is interested with assisting with any of these committees, please contact the committee chairman listed above. Please contact the appropriate committee chairman pertaining to any question(s), comment(s), and/or concern(s) you may have.
This directory is password protected to only allow access to current owners. Click on the button below to login to the directory.
If owners would like their phone number and email address published in the Directory, please complete and submit an "Electronic Communication Permission Slip" located on the Documentation Page under Forms.
Note: This section offers general information and does not meet the requirements of a disclosure packet required by the Virginia Property Owners Association Act. Disclosure packets can be ordered for a fee by emailing the Buckhorn POA Secretary at BuckhornPOASec@aol.com, or using the "Contact US" button at the bottom of the screen. Click on the button to jump to the CC&R's/Documentation page.
This section contains the most recent meeting minutes. For historical minutes, please use the Contact Us button at the bottom of the page to make your request.
This section contains the most recent statements. For historical statements, please use the Contact Us button at the bottom of the page. to make your request.
There are no lots listed for sale at this time.